Appleton Estate Signature Blend Rum

750ml Bottle

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    Appleton Estate
    Campari Group
    40% Alcohol
    Product Description

    Appleton Estate Signature Blend Rum is a full-bodied, medium-sweet rum. Appleton Estate Signature Blend is a 'blended rum', which means it is a combination of several rums of different styles and ages and does not have an age statement. It's a delicious blend of 15 aged golden rums with a warm honey color, a lush, fruity aroma, and a rich taste. Perfectly balanced complex citrus, fruity and sweet notes, with subtle orange peel, dried apricot, fresh peach, and a hint of molasses and woody notes. Finishes as serenely as it started in the mouth. Appleton Estate Signature Blend Rum is the perfect accompaniment for memorable rum cocktails or simply mixed with cola and an orange peel garnish. It's for everyone and every day, and it's the perfect way to make 'just another day' feel special. Enjoy!